Terms and Conditions of Use
IMPORTANT WARNING: As indicated by the authorship in each case, the articles, videos, documents, and other content of this website (the "Content") may have been prepared (or provide access to documentation prepared) by Asesores y Gestores Financieros, S.A., or other entities of its group (the "A&G Group") or by third parties (the "Third Parties").
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Opinions on forecasts and/or estimates that may be reflected in the Content (the "Estimates") may include financial statements on market trends, investment techniques and strategies, and commentary on market developments, various Financial Products, performance and/or similar or equivalent matters or issues. Such Estimates represent the author's judgement as of the date of publication of the Content, but:
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The terms, conditions, prices or similar or equivalent aspects (the "Terms") that may be set out in the Content are merely indicative and constitute only preliminary Terms that are subject to discussion and negotiation and may change due to, among other reasons, variations in market circumstances and/or changes in legislation, jurisprudence or administrative doctrine.
Therefore, the A&G Group will not be bound by such Terms until such time as the parties involved decide to enter into a particular transaction and set out the specific terms and conditions of that transaction in the relevant legal documentation.
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Accordingly, the recipient of the Content must make his or her own decisions in light of his or her particular circumstances and obtain specialist investment, tax, legal, regulatory, accounting or other professional advice as necessary.
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Last updated: 06 June 2024