Legal Notice
1. Identification data
This website is owned by Asesores y Gestores Financieros, S.A. (hereinafter, "A&G"), parent company of A&G Banco, S.A.U., with registered office at Paseo de la Castellana 92, 28046 Madrid, CIF A-78540119 and registered in the Companies Registry of Madrid, Sheet M-98817, Volume 6045, page 162.
Contact e-mail: protecciondatos@ayg.es
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In the event of not accepting the clauses established in this Legal Notice, the user must refrain from accessing and/or using the services and/or content made available on the website.
2. Contents
The information contained in this website is intended to provide internet users or customers with information about the products and/or services offered by A&G and the entities of its corporate group (the "A&G Group").
When required by applicable law and regulations, consultation of the prospectus and the KIID (Key Investor Information Document) is recommended before making any investment, subscription or purchase decision in respect of shares or units of financial products referred to. These documents should be consulted by the prospective investor before making any investment, subscription or disinvestment decision and will help the investor to understand the nature and risks involved in investing in each of the products.
Investment in the financial products referred to herein may be subject to investment risks: market risk, credit risk, issuer and counterparty risk, liquidity risk, currency risk, emerging market risks and, where applicable, emerging market-specific risks. In addition, investments in hedge funds, real estate, commodities, crypto-assets or private equity assets or funds, they may be subject to the valuation and operational risks inherent in these assets and markets as well as the custodial risks fraud risks or risks arising from investing in unregulated or unsupervised markets or unlisted assets.
Past performance in no way indicative of future performance. Any reference to past performance should not be taken as an indication of future performance. Returns are calculated on a net asset value basis, net of fees and annualised for periods of more than one year. Any reference to taxation should be understood to depend on the personal circumstances of each prospective investor and may change in the future. It is advisable to seek personalised advice in this regard.
The information contained in this web page is current as of the date of the last update. The A&G Group does not guarantee that the information contained in these websites is up to date. The A&G Group also reserves the right to modify, delete or update the content, configuration or presentation of the same at any time and without prior notice.
The service offering of A&G Group extends to investment advisory services for alternative investments (private equity and real estate assets) which are broadcasted within the webpage. Such services are not regulated in the European Union and shall be rendered to professional clients only.
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The A&G Group acts exclusively as the party responsible for the website in its capacity as a provider of an information service on its own services, and is not responsible for the contents that users may send or publish in contravention of this notice, and the user is solely responsible for the veracity and legality of the same.
The A&G Group may suspend the service of the website being used by the user and immediately terminate the relationship with the user if it detects any use of the website or any of the services offered therein that it considers contrary to what is stated in this Legal Notice.
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7. Responsibilities
The A&G Group shall not be held liable for:
- The quality of the service, the speed of access, the correct functioning and the availability and the continuity of the operation of the website.
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By way of example and without limitation, the user is responsible for:
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- The provision of false or inaccurate data.
8. Applicable law and jurisdiction
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If any of the clauses described in this Legal Notice is declared null and void, the remaining clauses shall continue to apply and shall not be affected by the declaration of nullity.
Last updated: 23 September 2024